Thursday, August 16, 2012

My Toastmsters Speech: Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion


I hate being here ! I hate this room ! I hate you all ! You all make me sick ! AAAAAHHHHH !!!!!!

(show your back to audience)

(turn back and face the audience coolly)

Good evening to the club president, fellow toastmasters and friends.

How did you feel when I threw so many HATE words around this room ?

I am sure many of you felt like giving your piece of mine to me.. not literally though!

And knowing the way I behaved – what do you think .. I was ready to accept the reaction?

YES,… I should ! Because That is what Newton’s 3rd law of motion states and this law is not only for motion but it is applicable to our daily lives too.

So what is Newton’s 3rd law of motion … For Every Action, There Is An Equal And Opposite Reaction.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. When I threw out the Hate words just now, I am sure many of your hated me and I should be prepared to accept the reaction or consequence to that action.

When we start to walk or even talk, is there a opposite reaction ? Oh yes ! we lose our energy. When we say or think negative words, what we will get back will be negative reactions, and positive thoughts and words will bring back positive reactions. When I understood this concept I had a better understanding of the book “Think and Grow Rich”.

The reactions maybe immediate, … if you have been strangers, I am sure you would thrown something at me for being so rude … OR the reaction maybe within hours, days, weeks or even years, but we will definitely get back a reaction like a ball bouncing back to us when we throw it on a hard ball. What goes around will come around because For Every Action, There Is An Equal And Opposite Reaction.

That is why the wise people tell us to think before you say or do something. This is not always possible but we should always keep in mind Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion and that is (as the audience)……

You are right. Regardless of whether we belief in karma or not prepared to accept the consequences of our actions, we will still have face the consequence of our actions.

We start saving some of our income, it will be helpful to us someday. When we eat more unhealthy food, that will lead to obesity or other illness in future (diabetes, heart problems and so on). If you treat our employees and colleagues properly and motivate them, then we may get better benefits back to ourselves and even our company. If we treat our friends and employees badly, then we will get that reaction back one day like for example : when we need help on a crucial project, the colleagues may not cooperate, resignation of our key employee, sabotages from employees, and many more.

That is MAY also be how we behave to our friends, family and those around us.

Imagine if we are nice , kind and courteous to others .. they are also going to behaving the same way to us. So, ladies and gentlemen, please repeat after me :-

I accept the reactions to my actions (3x). 3 is too much ! Try once if the response is not too good another time max twice)

See! When I asked you all nicely, you obliged. Thank you.

I like you all.

That is the universal law. That is Newton’s 3rd Law.

For Every Action, There IS An Equal And Opposite Reaction.

Toastmasters of the evening.

(January 2008)

Best regards.

Kumaran RN

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