Thursday, August 16, 2012

My Toastmasters Speech: The Positive Why


Why? Why ? Why?

Why am I here? Why? Am I doing the project today ..?

Gd evening to the club president , fellow toastmasters and friends … Ladies and Gentlemen, have you ever wondered WHY ? asking positive WHY is important?

“To be or not to be.. that is the question”, according to Shakespeare, but “Why” is the more important question.

How many times today did you ask “why” that will lead you to a positive outcome? What did you feel after asking it ?

The positive “why” is a powerful question and it is the mother all of inventions and discoveries. If Galileo Galilee, Benjamin Franklin, Sir Isaac Newton, Thomas Alva Edison, Michael Faraday, Albert Einstein, Alexander Graham Bell and many other scientists and inventors had not kept on asking “why” after “why”, then we will still be living in caves in the dark looking at each other. If Sir Stamford Raffles and then Mr Lee Kwan Yew have not asked that positive “why”, then Singapore will still be a fishing village and way smaller than what it is actually today.

If I had not asked that positive “why”, then I would not had taken the first step to join the Toastmaster Club and speak in front of you.

Do you know that by asking a positive “why”, we can make our lives better ? Let me share with you the POWER of asking positive Why?

Isaac Asimov and Sir Arthur C. Clarke mentioned in their numerous science-fiction stories about man-like robots, (Cyborgs) ruling the world one day. That fiction has already become true and we have been seeing the cyborgs for many years now living, breathing and eating among us. I am talking about the many of us hom we know who, have been going through the motion and carrying on their same old daily routines happily day in day out without questioning or pausing to ask a positive “why” to see that important improvements in their lives and those around them.

Why are we doing this way ? Why can’t it be done another way ? Why must we speak in this way? Why is he or she behaving this way to us ? Why are we behaving such to others? Why why why ?

Just by asking “why”, your mind becomes curious and keeping up the curiosity will lead your brain / mind to work on getting the solutions. That process not only keeps your brain and mind active but your whole body healthy.

When you ask “why”, it is important that it should lead you to a more positive outcome than a negative one. If you ask “Why must I be alive?” and start to plan for suicide, then that is a “ negative why”. Instead, if you ask “Why can’t I have a better live?”, then this will lead you to thinking of ways to make you a more positive person and leading you to achieve your goals in life.

Now we know asking ourselves positive "Why?"s Can bring about positive changes that can improve the life for us and those around us.

Lets keep our inquisitive part of our mind active always – asking why? Is not only for the child – but for the child in all of us!

So, ladies and gentleman ask “why” and the truth for a better living shall be revealed to you as the truth is out there for you to discover and benefit.

Why Do I have to end my speech now?

Toastmasters of the evening

(August 2007)

Best regards.

Kumaran RN

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