Thursday, August 16, 2012

My Toastmasters Speech: The Real Secret of Winning


Do you want to know the secret of Winning? Do you want to know the REAL secret of winning?

You would have all heard many Secrets of Winning, but let me share with you the REAL secret.

Gd evening Mr. President, Toastmaster of the Evening, fellow toastmasters and friends.

Once when I was in Primary School, on the eve of children’s day, we were having sports day and many of my fellow students and friends who had participated were getting prizes for their participation. While looking at these, my sister and I started to feel sad that we were not getting prizes.

After the event, my sister and I walked home. My mother was waiting for us at the lift landing. When my sister and I saw her, we ran to her crying. My loving mother, hugged and consoled us.

“Amma, all our friends got prizes and we didn’t get anything” I told my mum and continued crying more than my sister.

“It’s ok. I will get you prizes. Don’t cry.” Said my mum My sister stopped crying but me I was still crying . . Okay I may have been a cry baby.

My mother looked at me and smiled. Then she said, “My boy, How do you expect to get a prize if you have not even participated ??? if you had participated, then you would had won prizes. Let’s go home. Don’t cry.” Her gentle words calmed me and reduced my tears.

That night, what she said rang in my mind... “…if you had participated…”

Participation, ladies and gentlemen.. How could I have won a prize if I did not even participate.?!

Then, when I was in Primary 6, we had a song competition among our classmates organised by my Tamil teacher. I had prepared hard and well for the competition, singing in front of my parents and sister. When I went to the front of the classroom, I started to feel a little nervous. I controlled it and sang the chorus. When I was a quarter way through, I paused. (action : as if I forgotten the song) This is what I did. I knew the song well, but still I somehow seemed to have forgotten the song. Then mumbled the rest of the song fast and went back to my seat. My sister stared at me – I looked back at her blankly. Nervousness and Fear got the better of me - I did not win anything too.

How could I ? I was disappointed. I had participated and yet I did not win a prize. What happened.? I did prepare well but on the day it counts I did not deliver my best.

After that experience I didn’t get any chance to sing on stage until I reached Junior college. This time – my experience from my earlier days told me participating and preparing well is not enough - I needed to be focused and give my Best And you know what – I started to win prizes.

Ladies and gentlemen, when we mix all the necessary ingredients and bake a cake, the outcome that satisfies us is when the cake turns out Great! That’s the winning feeling.

Participation is only the first step to winning. The icing on the cake is winning the prize! So what is the Real secret of winning …? Doing YOUR BEST!

So ladies and gentlemen – to put yourself on the road to winning – participate, take part, be involved – whatever the endeavour is And when you are participating make sure you are giving your best That is the wholly baked cake which many times tastes better even without icing.

Now I have the winner mindset because now I just don’t participate, but also ensure I do my best.

Will you do your best too? Toastmasters of the evening

(November 2007)

Best regards.

Kumaran RN

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