Friday, August 17, 2012

A Thought-Provoking website by Gilbert Goh


Recently in my facebook, a good friend of my Dharmendra Yadav, who himself is maintaining a thought-provoking blog entitled "Think Happiness", posted an article from the website called which is maintained by Gilbert Goh.

I have read numerous comments by Gilbert in the forum pages of The Straits Times. His articles many times address the issues related to Singaporeans from the view point of a common man on the ground. Many of his articles in the website a are simple, straight and yet thought-provoking. I have began to visit the website regularly to read his latest comments. His latest on "7 Ways To Improve Population Growth" is some that was lingering in my mind for a while and he has put it in words in the right way, especially the first point on revamping the employment act.

Adding to that point, I feel that the current working 44 hours work per months should be reduced. Either the total working hours be reduced to 35-38 hours or ensure work ends at 3pm on every Wednesday and Friday. That will create more time for the couples and families to spend quality time with their loved ones.

The 44hrs work was started (I think) during the industrial revolution and when manufacturing was the main sector where productivity mattered as that was tied to the number of hours worked. In the current knowledge economy, I feel that the KPIs, quality of work and the results are more important rather than the number of hours spent in office. We all know that not all of us are continuously working the whole 44 hours. There are definitely slack times excluding lunch and tea-breaks. These are unproductive times that when saved can be used for other better and personal uses and to spend time with the loved ones and also self-improvement. I am not sure why the government still keeps on sticking to the 8 hours work days and 44 hours work month for many work sectors.

Anyway, I hope the revamp of the employment act is timely, rather late then never.

There are of course other thought-provoking articles that I like in this website written by Gilbert Goh and others too. Enjoy reading the articles. Once again it is

Best regards.

Kumaran RN

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