Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Back again


It is nice to be back to this blog of mine again after some time.

Within this period some changes have happened, but all for good and they are positive ones.

Important of all is me starting on my screenplay writing for short-films. I have managed to link up with a small production company contact for that and at least that will help me to think more and encourage me to write more too. I have embarked it as just a hobby for the moment. Apart from my existing screenplays, I have written one for an animation short-film too.. my first time. Hope it turns out well on screen on day.

I am also working on another screenplay dealing with financial needs : with a message to say. I hope to complete it by the end of the month. I have planned for a comedy script too.

Anyway, apart form that, I have been learning more spiritual matters too. Without me asking, I have received wonderful books like Vishnu Puranam, Sridevi Baagavatham, Siva Puranam and information about the 6 temples (aarupadi veedu) of Lord Murugan. Really informative and enriching.

I also learned about the basics of chakras and auras. I still have lots to learn about them.

Hope I can share my knowledge on whatever I learnt to the younger generation and others who have interest in such spiritual matters.

Best regards.
Kumaran RN

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