Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Colour to Wear to Welcome New Year


Like the past couple of years, the New Year countdown parties are held in many parts of Singapore, especially in constituency levels.

Even though I am one of the grassroots leaders in my constituency (Punggol South division of Pasir-Punggol GRC), I am selective in participating int he constituency and GRC events due to my work and other important family and personal commitments. As I am a only a volunteer, I need to give important priorities to my rice-bowl and family first other matters and I strongly believe in that. I do attend meetings regularly and see how I render my assistance to the society especially the needy.

This year, too, there is a countdown party arranged in my constituency and the volunteers and grassroots leaders are encouraged to wear the constituency T-Shirt when attending the event. Although I never attend countdown parties (never attended since young)- because I welcome the new year with my family with prayers at home - I feel that the T-shirt will not be auspicious/appropriate to wear to welcome the new year.

Why ?

Well, the t-shirt is black in colour, such a negative colour to wear to invite the new year. Some may even call it the funeral colour. Even if I suddenly get the urge to attend the countdown, I will never wear that colour. I do not understand why many people especially those in the leadership positions do not see this, even the MP. I wonder whether he will be wearing the black t-shirt or other coloured t-shirt/shirt.

With bad economic times looming ahead, shouldn't we be wearing a more positive colour to welcome the new year ? Talking about feng shui....

Anyway, I will be wearing a more positive colour shirt at home with my wife and family to welcome the New Year 2009 with prayers and auspicious and soothing music to create a more positive and peaceful environment to welcome the new year.. importtantly with a good smile from my heart to face :)

Happy New Year 2009, again.

Kumaran RN

An Email : Tamil Hero's Next Film Titles


I received an email entitled, "Tamil Hero's Next Film Titles".

I found it funny and it did make me laugh.

No offence to the film heroes mentioned in the joke if they happen to read this emial in this blog.

Anyway, here is the email :-












Kumaran RN

Friday, December 26, 2008

New Year Again : 2009


New Year beginning again. How different will it be ?

For one thing, it is beginning in the midst of a global economic crisis which is expected to be as bad or even worst than the 1930s depression.

We can see it in a positive or negative light.

I prefer to see it in a positive way.

It is spring-cleaning time. If you observe the happening around the world, that is what is going on - from political to economical. It is a usual cycle and a person who understands this principle and has prepared his/her mindset for such turmoil will be the ultimate survivor.

Am I such a survivor ?

I am still learning and am taking steps to apply what I have learnt so far through my experience and knowledge gained (and still gaining) through resources (friends, field experts, articles, books, etc).

First half of my life so far (34 years) has been a learning one - mainly experiential learning - where I went through the good and worst times. THat taught me about survival. Many times I was demotivated during bad times and overly confident during good times, but as years went on, I learnt from mistakes. All these have definitely made me a better man.

My mum used to tell me that what we learn through experience after the formal education years is the real life-long learning. It is a journey that continues with us through out. Learning is only one part of the equation. To enjoy success, we need to apply what we learnt and the effort and attitude that we take will complete the equation to bring us towards success.

So, I foresee better years ahead of me leading me to my personal goals and vision.

Every step/obstacle is stepping stone towards success. I will maintain and better my mindset and attitude. At the same time, I also need to pause for reflection moments and also to smell the roses. Also, not to forget to help the unfortunate souls in the society, especially the children.

I am thinking of sponsoring (the education) a student in a secondary school. As years go on, I would want to sponsor the education of selected kids in childcare, primary and secondary (kids from the needy family, kids who are interested in education and want to be achievers in their own rights).

I would also want to continue my creating of positive differences in people. If I can do one per day, that will be great - like the scouts' principle of a good deed a day.

I need to do my exercises more regularly and be more vegetarian (95% vegetarian diets and 5% non-vegetarian diet that involves only light meats).

I need to be more financially prudent and look for avenues to make my money work hard for me.. it is about time money start to work for me.. that is real need if I have to survive in Singapore.

Based on my experience, in Singapore, if you have no money , then it is as good as you being dead.

Well, a city life.

Anyway, let me enjoy my life with my family and loved ones too.

Happy New Year and wonderful days ahead.

Kumaran RN

Friday, December 12, 2008

Teachers MUST BE Role Models and Lead by Example

Hi again...

I can strongly say say with conviction that I had some great teachers during my school days (Primary, Secondary, Post-Secondary) from 1980-1991 whom I still look up too.

I learnt about good behaviour, political awareness, discipline, and of course how to handle problems and many others. Of course I dislike some of the teachers for various reasons and I had infatuations on some lady teachers.

What I liked most, respect many of them and look up to some of them, is their attitude and setting good example as a teacher to their students when in school and outside school.

I have noticed my teachers singing the national anthem and saying the national pledge. I have seen them leading by example. I have seen them following the school rules and not tell the students that the rules are only meant for the students and not the teachers.

Nowadays I hear from my nephews and nieces, and my tuition centre students - I have personally seen too - about many teachers not being good role model to the students.

A year ago, I read in the Straits Times forum page about the issue on students dying their hair blond. A couple of students asked why rule was not applicable to their teachers as they had to lead by example. One ex-teacher replied back that the school rules were only meant for students and the teachers were not obliged to follow.

What an irresponsible answer by an ex-teacher to give in the Straits Times forum page ?

Nowadays, there are many teachers like that. They work for the money and treating the profession as just a task. They also think that they are above the rules meant for students. I have seen teachers gathering in pubs and nightclubs on week ends. I have also seen a couple of teachers drinking in a coffeeshop and also smoking. I have seen teachers wearing fancy fashionable and very revealing clothes. I have seen teachers with dyed hair (blond and many other colours). A couple of my tuition centre students also told me that a male teacher wore tapered pants when the students were not allowed to wear tapered pants. They had also told me that some teachers use vulgarities to scold their students during co-curricular activities.

When I hear and see all these, I feel disgusted and frustrated.

What has happened to teachers being role models and leading by example ?

Why these teachers are preaching but not doing ?

Why these bad apples creating a bad name to the other teachers who are doing their best to be role models and leading by example ?

During teachers' training, in addition to the teachers learning to handle and manage students and class not taught and strongly emphasised on the teachers need to be good role models and lead by example ?

Majority of the teachers are fresh from the oven (graduating from the National Institute of Education) and they lack outside working experience. So, it is very important to emphasise to them the need to lead by example and be a good role model in and out of school.

How will a student listen to teacher who ask them not to smoke or drink when he/she himself/herself is a smoker and drinker ?

If the teacher dyed his/her hair, then he/she has no right to ask the students not to dye hair and follow the school rules.

I strongly believe in teachers setting the standard for themselves and being a good role model in and out of school and I believe that this is an important moral obligation for which they are paid too.

If I am a teacher, I will be a good role model and lead by example. I do that when I teach the students in the tuition centre especially the upper secondary students who are not that well-behaving and not that good in their studies.

These students look up to me because I respect them and importantly I ensure that at all times I be a good role model to them and lead by example in and out out the tuition centre.

If only many of the school teachers nowadays have a better mindset to be good role models to the students and lead by example in and out of school, then they will get the necessary respect for their students especially the challenging ones and that unspoken influence will also create positive impacts on many students.

The students now are our future leaders. When moulding them as teachers, they need to have the positive attitude and be good role models and lead by example.

Just my thoughts and views for you.

Best regards.
Kumaran RN